Dienstag, 13. November 2012

Install and configure VirtualBox Image with Oracle Linux for Oracle Database and Oracle Fusion Middleware

Download required Software
- Oracle Linux 6
Install Virtual Box
- There should not be any difficulty. 
- After installing, start Virtual Box
  - Menue: Virtual Box - preferences:
    Tab Extensions: Install the Virtual Box Extensions if needed.

Create Virtual Maschine
- Menue: Maschine - New
- Name and operating system:
  - Name: OL6
  - Type: Linux
  - Version: Oracle (64 bit)
  -> continue
- Choose Memory size
  - depending on your host capabilities chaoose Memory size. For Oracle Database you shoud not
    start below 2GB of memory.
  - I choose 2048 MB
  -> continue
 - select to create a virtual hard drive now
   -> create
 - select hard drive type
   - VDI
   -> continue
 - select method to create storage
   - dynamically allocated
     (Tip: if you plan to install Oracle RAC choose fixed size to allocate the storage now)
   -> continue
 - file location and size
   (the file location is suggested by default - see VirtualBox preferences)
   - I use the suggested location and name: OL6
   - 100 GB (so it can grow)
   -> create
 - The VM envelope is created.

Configure VM settings
- We need to change some settings:
- Menue: Maschine - Settings
 - Tab: System
   - de-select Floppy
 - Tab: Storage
   - for the IDE controller point the location where you stored your Oracle Linux iso image:
     (I choose OracleLinux-R6-U3-Server-x86_64-dvd.iso)
 - Tab: Network
   - select to
     - create Adapter 2 - "host-only"
       (I do this, because my host is a laptop and I want to use it in several locations. So with adapter 1 I
       will configure a DHCP network, that always connect to the internet by defauld, so I am able to
       get packages etc. Databases and application servers need a fixed IP adress, so I will configure
       adapter 2 with a fixed IP adress, later.)
 - Tab: Shared Folders
   - enables to mount this location within my VM, so I can exchange files between Host and Guest.
   - I choose my Downloads directory, where I have downloaded the Oracle Datbase and WebLogic
   - Folder name: Downloads
   - select auto-mount (so the folder will be mounted automatically when starting the VM)
   -> OK
Sometimes, in addition the Host-only network needs defining:

 Thanks to Christian for the screen shots!

Install Oracle Linux
- start the VM

- choose install or upgrade
-> enter
- once you have checkt the install media is ok ...
-> skip
 -> next
- choose the language for installation
-> next
- choose your keyboard
-> next
- choose the storage devices. I choose
- Basic Storage Devices
-> next
- specify the hostname. (i.e. ol6.de.oracle.com)
-> click network settings
- select "connect automatically" in order to DHCP on startup
-> apply
-> next
- choose your time zone settings
-> next
- select and remember! your password for the admin user "root"
-> next
- as the 100GB parition is empty choose
- replace existing Linux Systems
- "select "review and modify partitioning layout"
-> next
- the partition layout is not ideal. We will delete the "lv_home" partion and add this partion space to
  the "lv_root" partion
- choose "lv_home" partition
- delete 
- select the "lv_root" partion and enlarge it to the max available space (Max size is ...).
- 97864
-> OK
-> next
-> Format
- I do not change the boot loader settings
-> next
- for the software of the Linux Server select
- Basic Server
- select "Customize now"
-> next 
 - Base System
   - select: Base
- Servers
  - select: Server Platform
- Desktop
  - select: Desktop, Graphical Administration Tools, X-Window System
- Applications
  - select: Internet Browser
- redy to install ...
-> next
- once the install and configuration finishs, click
-> Reboot
-> Forward 
- read the License Information
- choose to agree or not agree
-> Forward
- if you have an Oracle support contract, or like to initiate one, do so. For this howto I will do so later.
-> Forward
- skip to create a user. We will add a package in a later step, that not only creates a user, but also adds
  required groups and kernel settings and so on
-> Forward
- You can choose to sysnc system time. I do not choose this for this document
-> Forward 
- I skipp Kdump, although there might be a good reason for Kdump
- Finish
- the login screen appears. As we have only the root user so far, log in as
- root
- password you have set before
-> Log In
- first I add a Terminal start button to the panel
- then I delete the Mail Icon - we will not need it
- now we configure the server with a public-yum server, where to get the latest packages and security
  updates from Oracle
- start the firefox browser. Navigate tothe page
- public-yum.oracle.com
- scroll down the web page for the "howto configure with Oracle Linux 6"
- open a Terminal
- change to the directory: ("cd" means: change directory)
- cd /etc/yum.repos.d              (Linux differs between capital letters!)
- now we download the configuration fire with a command line browser wget:
- wget http://public-yum.oracle.com/public-yum-ol6.repo
- the file shoud be configured to automatically suggest the latest repoitory and Oracle Kernel setting
- if not, edit the file with the famous editor vi:
- vi public-yum-ol6.repo
- change enabled=0 to enable=1 if needed 
- now update the Linux packages:
- yum update
- y to update suggested updates.
- y for the keys
- the kernel updates need a restart of the system:
- reboot
- the following comands are just to chek the running kernel:
- uname -a
- while the lollowing lists installed Oracle kernels:
- rpm -q kernel-uek
- next we will prepare the Linux Server for Oracle. In Oracle Linux 5 the Package oracle-validated
  represented a package which creates the oracle user, required groups, sets kernel and security 
  parameters, limits etc. and required packages. With Oracle Linux 6 oracle-validated has been
  replaced by the package "oracle-rdbms-server-11gR2-preinstall" 
- to install the package is easy:
- yum install oracle-rdbms-server-11gR2-preinstall
- enter
- click y to apply
- now, the system also has all required files to build the vboxadditions:
- escape out of the VM (keys are shown in the corner right down: Left "cmd")
- autorun
-> OK
- now we need to set the password for the oracle user:
- passwd oracle
- (remember the password you set!)
- only a few steps to do
- define the fixed IP adress:
- Menue: System - Preferences - Network Connections
- System eth1 - edit
- select connect automatically
- IPv4 Settings:
- Method: Manual
- Address:   (192.168.56.x is the defauld VBox network configuration)
- Netmask:
- Gateway:
-> apply
- now we need to configure the shared folder between Host and Guest VM. We need to add the VBox
  shared folder Group to the oracle user:
- Menue: System - Administration -Users and Groups
- select the oracle user:
  - properties - scroll down and select
  - vboxsf
  -> OK
- just before the final reboot we need to edit the hosts file:
- vi /etc/hosts
- add the following line:
- IP Address               fully qualifies hostname           alias
-          ol6.de.oracle.com                    ol6
- safe and close the file:
- esc
- :
- wq!
- check the network and loopback settings
- ping ol6
- ping ol6.de.oracle.com
- hostname

- create the folders for the oracle software install:
- mkdir /opt/oracle        (mkdir: make directory)
- chown -R oracle:oinstall /opt/oracle  (chown: change owner des verzeichnisses von root an oracle)
- chmod -R 775 /opt/oracle    (Berechtigungen ändern)

- finaly it is a good moment to backup our work:
- poweroff the VM.
- export the VM:
- Menue: File - export Appliance